#earth, #EarthView, #intermediate
Imagery, Platform, Data Visualization
The world is a big place. And there’s a lot to see. Too much to see, in fact. NASA’s fleet of Earth-observing satellites looks at the entire planet every day, silently observing volcanoes erupt, icebergs calve, and cat-shaped clouds form. Some of these events are found by scientists looking for them, but many more go unnoticed due to the sheer volume of satellite imagery available. Everyone finds different aspects of our planet interesting; and this challenge encourages you to find and share from your own perspectives.
We need you to develop an app to crowdsource the discovery of “interesting” natural events as observed from space using data from NASA’s Earth observation satellites -- such as wildfires burning, volcanoes erupting, or icebergs cracking. If all of you are helping us look for Earth events, by using a common interface you create with this challenge, we can discover more together than a few scientists can discover alone. And, we can share your discoveries with the world.
- The solution can be a prototype app that encourages users to interactively browse any set of NASA’s satellite imagery to find and tag “interesting” events.
- “Interesting” is in the eye of the app designer such as a “Hot or Not” app for volcanoes or an interface to find the most cat-shaped clouds being formed.
- The solution can also use a scoring system to encourage competition amongst users.
- Examples include an interface to “vote up” or “vote down” user-submitted events or providing bonus points to users who are the first to find a new event.
Sample Resources(Participants do not have to use these resources, and NASA in no way endorses any particular entity listed).
- Natural events visible from NASA satellites: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/
- Interactive interface to browse satellite imagery products: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/worldview
- Sample mapping code to use NASA’s satellite imagery API: https://github.com/nasa-gibs/gibs-web-examples
- NASA’s satellite imagery API: https://wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov/display/GIBS/
- Background on hazards and disasters visible from NASA satellites: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/data/near-real-time-data/data/hazards-and-disasters
The following projects are solving this challenge:
Space or Not
Find the most exciting pictures of the universe! Visit Project
Objetivo, ayudar al público a conocer los eventos naturales que ocurren a su alrededor, e incluso glovalmente, en formas de alertas. Visit Project
This project aims to provide users an application that uses Earth images from NASA to spot and tag areas like volcanoes, glaciars, etc. Visit Project
Discover Earth
An Android App to discover interesting events happening in Earth. Visit Project
Though our application might work on Earth, our main goal is to gather information about other planets (starting with Mars) so we can learn about the natural events on other planets. Visit Project
The main purpose of this project is to collect data of different volcanoes around the globe. Furthermore pictures will be uploaded to mobile applications so that people can vote the picture and read some details regarding the volcano. This will be possible with the use of an autonomously drone wi... Visit Project
planet hunt
Teaching our platform with machine learning to deliver better results - finding the most stunning pictures. Using competition and gamification with an intuitive interface the website persuades everybody to participate. You want to join our team?! Just send an email to **[email protected] Visit Project
Cats From Space
We hope to crowdsource the discovery of near real-time events on Earth, in addition to a fun social sharing aspect ("Does this look like a cat from space? Yes, yes it does."). Visit Project
SpaceWatchers is an interactive crowdsource android application game that observes natural events from space using images from satelites in order to dicoces interesting events of our planet Visit Project
This project is made by these 4 parts. 1st. Find human face by machine learning based image recognition. We use Microsoft Azule and cloud over 100 instances. And not only usual machine learning, but also try to use IBM WATSON. 2nd. Most difficult points of Machine learnings are data v... Visit Project
Spy Glass
A user and content creator mobile app using aggregated satellite imagery. Images can be shared among all social media platform and rated upon for daily 'trends' or popularity. Visit Project
Maintaining life in space with the most important organism based on a story from rivers and oceans
Please visit our page in Bluemix [Space App Algae](http://spaceappsalgae.mybluemix.net/ "Title") The story of the River: Our story today starts at a large city in the heart of Brazil, in a suburb of the São Paulo metropolis. It’s a small house made by plywood and aluminum roof. It’s a cloudy ... Visit Project
EpiCloud is platform for collecting and rating the most awesome pictures from NASA satellite. Visit Project
Capture images of landscapes from satellites, mark it and share them with your friends and everyone else :D Visit Project
We will create a mobile game that involves finding patterns in clouds that look like kittens, amongst other things. We will gamify and reward achievements in various ways including badges, upvoting, and puzzle solving. The games and educational challenges will be set and scored by a crowdsourced ... Visit Project
A mobile app that will allow users to browse and identify potential "interesting" events in current NASA satellite image archive data. Events/images will be confirmed through social network voting. Confirmed events/images will be used to match against future satellite imaging and alerted back t... Visit Project
MyNep (My Natural Event Platform)
Live Project Link: http://mynep.eu-gb.mybluemix.net/ MyNEP solves tens of issues that the students, professors and any kind of researchers are facing with. People will be able to reach the data from an individual source. MyNEP allows users to see the data from an official NASA Observatory and ... Visit Project
Cats in Space!
The Cats in Space! project began as part of the 2014 NASA Space Apps Challenge, and we had so much fun we decided to build on the idea again this year! Last year we focused on social media interaction, and we started on a game, but we ran out of time before it was functional. This year, we wanted... Visit Project
The tagEarth Project proposes, a network of colaboration where users will help us identifying and tagging Satellite imagery provided by NASA’s Earthexplorer data base. The main objective of the Project is to optimize the analysis speed of NASA’s Satellite imagery. By dividing the problem of E... Visit Project
EpiCloud is platform for collecting and rating the most awesome pictures from NASA satellite. Visit Project
The purpose of the game is to see some events on the Earth from the satellite point of view, their activity in the moment and some historical notes. Visit Project
Eyes of Time
# Eyes of Time ![Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spaceappsquito/eyes-of-time/master/eot-mobile/resources/icon.png) SpaceApps Quito "Volcanoes, Icebergs and Cats from Space" challenge Description ----------- The goal is to engage people in looking for interesting natural event... Visit Project
SkyGlass - Enjoy the universe
Our project aims to achieve: To create a new app which is user friendly, fast and accessible for everyone : from those very scientifically adept to those who are lesser in their knowledge of this field but still have strong interest and passion in knowing more about planet or the solar system... Visit Project
Space Tag
The project develops a simple, easy to use website that uses crowdsourcing to determine 'interesting' and beautiful images of the Earth. As of now, the images are solely from GIBS Imagery, but this can be easily expanded to include images from other webpages, and potentially include images that a... Visit Project
Co-habitants of the city get an identity: dogs and cats predict earthquakes Stray animals are one of the biggest urban issues that very few countries are able to deal well with. The estimated total worldwide is reported to be between 20 million and 600 million according to the World Health O... Visit Project
Our project aims to achieve: To create a new app which is user friendly, fast and accessible for everyone : from those very scientifically adept to those who are lesser in their knowledge of this field but still have strong interest and passion in knowing more about planet or the solar system... Visit Project
Our app aims to facilitate more entertaining, community-based involvement with interactive NASA tools. Using a crowd-style approach, users can help scientists, journalists and others find the best of the best from an outer space perspective. Visit Project
Crear una comunidad de personas que evaluen las imagenes que la nasa comparte en una redspace dando un rating para que sea mas llamativo al usuario, la competencia de usuarios de todo el mundo Visit Project
We All Care
The We All Care platform purposes are: - to allow the easy creation of an event - in order to call for help through an inventory and breakdown of the required needs associated to a particular event. - to monitor the status and evolution of a particular event - through monitoring data (NAS... Visit Project
Cats and Volcanos
-The solution aims to implement a website that encourages users to interactively browse a Google map to find and tag interesting events. Our Goal is to make the website as encouraging as possible by adding a scoring system where users can rate and comment on the events found by other users. -O... Visit Project
Stellar views
## __Project Description__ This project is an Android application allowing users to visualize earth imagery taken from NASA's Global Imagery Browse Service (GIBS), in order to allow crowd voting of interesting images. The goal was to make people help NASA sort thousands of satellite images ... Visit Project
CatSat is a crowd sourced NASA imagery discovery site & app. Gamification- Images of interesting natural events on Earth are to be voted on by the public on social media. Zoom into any location on the satellite map viewer, take advantage of the map’s high resolution to search for interestin... Visit Project
Finder ===== Finder is an intuitive interface for regular people to find interesting images in NASA's near-real-time satellite data. You can try it at [wcarss.ca/finder](http://wcarss.ca/finder) License ====== Finder makes use of a modified version of [jTinder](https://github.com/do-web... Visit Project
World Connection
World Connection.. Explore and share your world. Spanish Una aplicación web social para encontrar eventos naturales interesantes en el mundo, existen dos maneras de hacerlo, compartir y descubrir. Compartir: Aquí podrás compartir un evento natural interesante que te rodea, como la lluvi... Visit Project
Space Hunters: Earth Exploration
Space Hunters: Earth Exploration is a tile-based set of puzzles where players identify distinctive features of satellite images of earthly events such as volcanoes and storms. Each puzzle is shown the player one tile at a time, where each tile is chosen at random. To successfully complete each pu... Visit Project
Can You See
## *Solution* This application serves as a tool for volunteers worldwide to utilising power of the crowds to sort images from NASA’s satellite imagery API, GIBS and provide feedback as signal for subsequent investigation. This is achievable through application that run cross-platform on deskto... Visit Project
World Satellite view
A little tool that let you travel accross the globe using Nasa imaging Visit Project
Try out our collaborative GAME on our main Website: [Brainterstellar](http://www.brainterstellar.com "Title") Follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Brainterstellar "Title") , on [Pinterest](https://www.pinterest.com/brainterstellar/ "Title") and on [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/br... Visit Project
NatEv Explorer
Earth is pictured every day and it is impossible for a few scientists to find most of the natural events from the sheer volume of satellite imagery available. Crowdsourcing the exploration would make this challenge possible. NatEv Explorer aims to achieve that by providing an interactive web-ba... Visit Project
Welcome to the collaborative hackpad! You can use this open document to collaborate with others, self organize, or share important data. Please keep in mind that this document is community created and any views, opinions, or links do not reflect an official position of the Space Apps Challenge, NASA, or any of our partners.
Building a team or looking for one to join? Feel free to create a Matchmaking section at the bottom of the document to help in gathering great minds together!
If you want to edit this Hackpad, or have trouble viewing it, please create an account at spaceapps2015.hackpad.com
Volcanoes, Icebergs, and Cats from Space Hackpad: https://spaceapps2015.hackpad.com/nttcp7lN0pV