Create your solutions to the new 2015 challenges!
3D AstroMed Devices
We need your help modeling medical devices that will not only be useful in space but also for remote health medicine situations on Earth.
Bodies in Spacey Motion
Develop an experience where motion is an input from a player as they try to complete space related tasks, such as: an off Earth astronaut on the International Space Station, Mars, Moon or other bodies performing exploration, research, and maintenance task
Can You Hear Me Now? Space-y Sounds
Develop an interactive tool to leverage NASA audio files from space missions in new and innovative ways, from arts and entertainment to science and engineering. Your solution could be a new audio capability or platform to feature, consume, enhance, or alt
Data Treasure Hunting
Devise a clever way to discover good keywords to describe the potential, hidden, secondary uses of NASA’s open data.
Fit as a MOoSE: Metabolic Observations of Space Explorers
Develop a citizen science tool that ties astronaut health onboard the International Space Station and to health and exercise options on Earth.
Friends In High Places
We’d love for you to create or enhance an interactive app, both by visualizing the data gathered while Samantha has been in orbit, i.e. all the waves and greetings from Earth as she orbits over head.
Print Your Own Space Food
Think Food Replicators, from an early sci-fi show. Investigate the benefits and feasibility of allowing astronauts to print their own food on the International Space Station or other space facility.
Space Station Telemetry App
This challenge is to build on-top of the actual Space Station telemetry data stream
Space Wearables: Designing for Today’s Launch & Research Stars
Your challenge is to design wearable clothing and accessories that could be useful for the engineers, technicians, and scientists involved with ground processing spacecraft and rockets and/or researchers, both on and off world, doing lab or field work.
SpaceGloVe: Spacecraft Gesture and Voice Commanding
We’d like you to produce a new technique for controlling a computer application via one or more wearable devices (e.g. smartphone) that wirelessly connects to the main computer and responds to gestures and voice commands.
Survivor: Mars Lava Tubes
Develop a game allowing players to explore lava tubes on Mars.