
Will it Launch?! Will it launch is our attempt at a flight control style multiplayer game. The object of the game is to successfully work as a team to monitor the flight systems of a rocket just before launch and decide if the rocket is safe to launch. Time is critical but you can't sacrifice the safety of the astronauts! The flight controller views include: FIDO, SURGEON, EECOM, GNC and CONTROL The project is written in Go, HTML, JavaScript, Java and JavaFX

This project is solving the 3-2-1 LIFTOFF: Launch that Rocket! challenge.


Will it Launch?!

Will it Launch?!

Will it launch is our attempt at a flight control style multiplayer game. The object of the game is to successfully work as a team to monitor the flight systems of a rocket just before launch and decide if the rocket is safe to launch. Time is critical but you can't sacrifice the safety of the astronauts!

The flight controller views include:

FIDO Launch angle (L/R/U/D) Compensate that for wind speed/direction to ensure it goes up?

SURGEON Heart rate - tranquillise/steroids

EECOM Cryogenic levels (up/down) Cabin pressure (up/down) Generator/battery power (?)

GNC Engine temperature Fuel flow - make sure it doesn't 'stall'

CONTROL Bird scare (beep) Countdown? (trigger/reset etc?)


Our team consists of 5 members, three of which have come to previous space apps competitions and two newbies! Ben Oxley @b3noxley Adam Grieg @randomskk Tom Dalby Andrew Cowan * Marcello Seri

How we did it

For a go no-go game, the temptation to program it in Google's Go language was too strong (at least for Adam). The backend server is written in Go and provides a websockets interface for our frontend GUI which is written in Java and JavaFX.

We have heavily used the jave-websockets library, jfxtras and the excellent Enzo controls library. The javascript / HTML5 web frontend Waiting for all Flight Controllers to be Ready

The Go, No-Go decision

The Will it Launch?! JavaFX Splash Screen The JavaFX Control Panel

Project Information

License: Sleepycat License (Sleepycat)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/willitlaunch/



  • Ben Oxley
  • Marcello Seri
  • Andrew Cowan
  • Thomas Dalby
  • Adam Greig
  • Ben Oxley
