
Project #SEF (Super Enhanced Field-of-View) will modularize the EVA space suit experience for astronauts by utilizing a wearable micro-computer and modular sensory attachment system which feeds information to a (HUD) via an LCD reflection.

This project is solving the Space Wearables: Designing for Today’s Launch & Research Stars challenge.


Data accessibility; one of mankind’s most powerful tools in adapting to uncertainties and dynamic environments and yet still a missing critical component in the forefront of space exploration.

The Super Enhanced Field-of-View is an intercommunications platform architected on three main components, which when combined create a personal wireless network allowing for on-demand display and transmission of real-time data to astronauts and mission crew.

Modular Universal Devices that have a microcomputer with built-in wireless capability and a bayonet mount assembly. Self-sustaining units composed of an independent power source that supplies power to connected devices such as cameras, sensors, and other utilities while wirelessly providing real-time exchange of data.

The wearable microcomputer acts as the router of communication processing and managing data transfer between connected devices and networks.

The Heads-up-Display offers on-demand information to the astronaut fed from the wearable computer.

Next Steps: -Develop display components, investigate projection technology and flexible display screens. -Develop user interface -Build standard line up of modular components -Create versatile and compact central computer enclosure

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Project Information

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:


Google Drive [Entire project] -
Reference research papers -
Blog Covarage -


  • Nick Gonzales
  • Takuya Goto
  • Ryuji Ueno
  • Katsuhiro Morishita
  • josh deas
  • Delson Da Silva
