
Say Hello to the ISS when it passes over your city. Send a tweet saying "Say Hi to ISS " !!

This project is solving the Space Station Telemetry App challenge.


We take the coordinates of the ISS in real time such as longitude and latitude. These coordinates are translated into readable data to the receiving user by reverse geocoding , in this way we get the city, state or country. When you register with the app , the app picks up the geolocation. Users who are registered to the city which crosses the ISS , send an alert message : I'll cross over your town ! You go to the application : you take a picture of yourself (selfie) or send a greeting in a text field saying, " Hi ISS " or similar and you must mention the appropriate hashtag. In our application will contain the option to connect with Twitter to send our tweet photo and greeting. The Twitter account of the ISS detect that you come from the application , and may make a retwett. This retweet can share it on several social networks : Facebook, Linkedin , Twitter , Pinterest, to move more traffic on the network and people collaborate.

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • María del Mar Núñez Campos
  • Juan Ignacio García Pascual
  • Carlos Miguel García Mejías
  • Ana Rosa Salinas Lozano
