Watch live whats happening on the ISS and help astronauts stay out of trouble.This project is solving the Space Station Telemetry App challenge. Description
The ISS project brings us all together to work on one collaborative project for the future of the existence of mankind – and maybe also our planet – who knows. We want to give people the possibility to experience space projects of humanity on a very personal level – and get excited by it.
OVER THERE is a mobile web based game which centers around the ISS. Real telemetry data from NASA create an awesome and interactive experience of the space station as people have never experienced it before – you basically get the feeling that you are there a little bit for yourself! Creating an atmosphere of fun, users have the possibility to explore the ISS and play around here and there.
Shifting data towards challenging event changes and turning the ISS into a survival zone where control have to solve complex and fun puzzles to keep astronauts out of danger.
We decided to incorporate real ISS data: station design, astronaut and telemetry data from the NASA API, Astronaut live data. The game itself comes in two forms: it is either an app for your smart phone or a web based application available to all computers running a web browser. We used a javascript based game framework LycheeJS to build the game.
Beta version of the game is available here: http://cultivator.lycheejs.org/projects/over-there/source/index.html
Project video
Project Information
License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License (BSD-3-Clause)
Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/LazerUnicorns/iss-tycoon
ISS telemetry data - http://data.nasa.gov/docs/spaceapps/challenges/spacestationtelemetry/issmin.html
Lychee.JS - http://lycheejs.org/index.html
ISS astronaut schedule - http://spacestationlive.nasa.gov/timeline/timelineAstronaut.html