we are the Medical kit Reloaders constructing medical equipment from the NASA medkit and re-designing it in modules, separating the parts that cannot be 3D printed (such as metal parts or needles) and working to produce the schematics for the parts that can be 3D-printedThis project is solving the 3D AstroMed Devices challenge. Description
We have been de-constructing medical equipment from the NASA medkit and re-designing it in modules, separating the parts that cannot be 3D printed (such as metal parts or needles) and working to produce the schematics for the parts that can be 3D-printed (such as the body of a syringe, and the handle of ascalpel), parts that could be printed using processed recycled material (such as packaging waste). We have used the CAD programme to do Finite Element Analysis of the structural strength of med-kit utensils and redesigned it for plastic material so that its equally strong. Up to 5/4/2015 we have completed re-designed versions of Finger splints (two different designs) and Scalpel We will be continuing with other utensils such as forecepts and so on.
Project Information
License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)
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