This project is solving the Crop Alert – Learning From the Growers challenge.cultibook is a master system, it will give information about crops and their take . It will be also a method to give an alert to farmers, when a pest is near them.
Alerts will be give from the users, when they take a picture of the pest and they give a little description of it's look, asking for information to other users. this process will mark a point in a map with the user's geolocation how the alert.
any user, near the alert point will recive an message with information about the pest, like nearness, kind(if it known), origin, affected area, an preventive measures guide, among others.
users can publish plant's care guides and these will be public. they can also make a crop tracing, aided by other user's guides, and the system
the master system will work in a LISP system. the expert's knowledges are in its core, in the future with it and the collective knowledge, system going to infer about pest and give information when a user do an alert, giving to him a response about, what kind of pest is it? what they can do with the pest? all this, working over the morfology of the insect or pest
Project Information
License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)
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