
Farmers WorldWide Community is a collaborative platform that aims to help farmers who face challenges from crop diseases and epidemic. Using drones for crop surveillance can drastically detect farm crop diseases while minimizing the cost of walking the fields and can croud source crop pictures in the Farmers Community

This project is solving the Crop Alert – Learning From the Growers challenge.


The crowd-sourced crop pictures cloud be incorporated for community identification and alerting farmers in neighboring regions will reduce the spread of epidemics. The project innovation is that it can be connected with agriculture governance laboratory,Added to that it provides Data visualisation about epidemics. Moreover it offers for farmers to organize local face to face group or find one of alreadymeeting up. CropDrone can capture highly accurate images of fields, covering up to hundreds of hectares/acres in a single flight By using image processing software it can then transform these shots into a report that can be send to governance laboratory and Farmers Community.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:


Farmers Community -


  • saddam
  • Anis JRIBI
