This project is solving the Deep Space CamSat challenge. Description
The small satellite is designed for imaging mission, while it is noted that the system developed for docking and constellation flight can easily and effectively be adapted for other types of missions including high voltage power generation and cryogenic tools. Team members decided that 3u sats are ideal to carry inside and to send meaningful missions. The satellites which are being carried are planned to leave mother satellite, do their mission and come back for charging. This mission design requited a state of art docking system and our team made it real with extraordinary use of robotics and attitude dynamics. Our team made an impressive robotic and attitude move possible which is actually hard to accomplish even on earth. In the process of designing this satellite, our team realized that challenge is not simply satisfactory for them and decided to develop the concept with the manners of usability and innovation. We will provide how we designed our mission, determine the problems and overcome all the problems in our hypothetical but substantially doable.
Project Information
License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)
Source Code/Project URL:
Concept Video -