This project will produce a sortable log of rocket launches.This project is solving the 3-2-1 LIFTOFF: Launch that Rocket! challenge. Description
This project will produce a sortable log of rocket launches that will allow users to query and sort on various fields including date and PL (Payload) name.
Project Information
License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)
Source Code/Project URL: https://rapidapps.ng.bluemix.net/?space=1c83a098-419e-49a3-ae33-fc1120bc6517
Jonathan McDowell - http://www.planet4589.org/space/
IBM BLUEMIX - https://rapidapps.ng.bluemix.net/?space=1c83a098-419e-49a3-ae33-fc1120bc6517