This project is solving the 3D AstroMed Devices challenge. Description
Project: 3D printed Medical Devices For Space (3D PMDS)
to help crew members in space to find medical devices easily as we use some materials that they use daily in drinking like bottles to convert it to another useful devices like syringes. Simple shapes can be fabricated easily but complex shapes we will fabricate it as parts then collect them together.3D printing in space represent a renewable source for devices as we put materials in it and it convert it to devices and shapes like what we want according to designs.
How: We will use these materials:
- Advanced 3D Printer.
-Designs for the required devices (model for each device).
-Suitable materials according to the original materials of the device.
We have our imagination of the shape and content of the Medical Kit,We see that there is other devices should be included.
Project Information
License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)