
Our team reimagined the design of each medical kit with 3D printing technology in mind. If the astronauts bring 3D printers on their ships and evenutally space colonies, it is the funcion of the medical tools that matters, not the form. So, the form of 4 out of the 5 tools has been minimized to achieve the same goal, but with minimum material. Using our designs, the team would only need to bring a small amount of sterilized supplies, a printer, and 3D printing material.

This project is solving the 3D AstroMed Devices challenge.


We distilled each medical device down to its basic function and redesigned them for 3D printing. We then considered the limiting factors of spacetravel and multiplanitary life and applied them to the new designs.

Factors we considered included: - Limited physical space - Zero G environments - Limited methods of production - Limited Resources - Weight - Size - Cost - Time

With our minimalist designs, explorers will be able to maximize material use and storage space. Most designs are reusable.

Project Information

License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/oswaldo-musician/3DAsromed.git


Video - https://youtu.be/0qd0s24N21U


  • Kerly Delgado
  • Ricardo Espinal Merchán
  • Andres  Nader
  • Patricio Sáenz Cadena
  • oswaldo_musician Echeverría Suárez
