• Hashtags:

    #earth, #myskycolor, #advanced


    [email protected]


    Model, Imagery, Platform, Data Visualization, Citizen Science


    Sky color is a way to provide a qualitative indication of aerosol loading in the atmosphere. It is an accessible way for students and others to observe the environment, but the observations could benefit from a more quantitative way to record the information. People can gather sky color data in a consistent manner (there is at least one sky color and visibility protocol) and compare it to the level of aerosols from air quality monitors.

    Classifying the sky’s color is one way to indicate the level of aerosol loading in the atmosphere. Citizen scientists can help in this effort by recording the color consistently so it can be used for analysis.


    We’re so pleased with the results from Space Apps 2014, we’re offering this challenge again.

    Create a tool that lets people record the color of the sky using consistent and qualitative standards at a specific location. The tool can compare results to the nearest data from Aeronet (AErosol RObotic NETwork) or similar sources, which could be used to improve the accuracy of these networks.


    • Develop a method to use a smartphone camera to quantitatively assess sky color using sky color protocols.
    • Pull in the nearest Aeronet (or similar) data.
    • Present the sky color and Aeronet information together for further analysis.
    • Allow users to compare the data from a single location in different times and locations.

    Sample Resources(Participants do not have to use these resources, and NASA in no way endorses any particular entity listed).

  • The following projects are solving this challenge:

    • Sky Watcher

      Watcher means a person/device who observes something attentively or regularly. So, the Sky Watcher means a person/device who observes sky attentively or regularly and inform it to the authority. Visit Project

    • Atanua

      This project aims to record the sky color. The project consists of the following segments: 3. Sensor Segment : Mobile Telephones often come with cameras. However, they need to be calibrated. An usual calibaration method is to use a cyanometer, or a colorchecker. An uncalibrated image would ... Visit Project

    • ChromoSky

      Since our planet is surrounded by a layer of gases, the light we observe from the heavens differs from the light that is being radiated towards us from the Sun. The transformations underwent by light wavefronts as they penetrate the atmosphere strictly depend on the molecular geometry of the subs... Visit Project

    • Atmospection

      We would like to write a phone application that would allow for analysis of the color of the sky. Visit Project

    • SkyPhotoRobot

      Making observations of sky color seems simple but is hard. Is your camera being tricked? Are you shooting at the same angle every time? At the same time(s) of day? Automating this process removes some of the error. Visit Project

    • Sky Aerosol Analyzer

      A colaborative Application to measure the aerosol particles in the air by images taken with a mobile device. Those images will be process and store into a server. The data extracted from images will be compared with the nearest AERONET Station (AEROSOL ROBOTIC NETWORK). Both, data and images, wi... Visit Project

    • Cloud Battler

      空の写真を解析して数値化、具現化したモンスターをコレクションしよう! Visit Project

    • G.E.O

      ![Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/4kBUMvT.jpg) # Objective This project aims to provide astronauts in long-distance space flight (LDSF) with a comforting reminder of home. The G.E.O (Geological Environment Observer) is a gray-water powered device that emulates weather patterns and sounds of... Visit Project

    • SkyC

      Our project will provide a better appreciation of the sky. These are the steps that the user must perform in order to get the color of the sky. Hence to begin, the user should first have a good digital camera in order to take an obvious picture of the sky. It’s best to make the photographs looki... Visit Project

    • ClearSkiesAhead

      ClearSkiesAhead aims to inspire Citizen Scientists to collect a variety of consistent cloudless sky images from their local areas, to add sky image data to the Aeronet (AErosol RObotic NETwork) and other air quality monitoring databases. ClearSkiesAhead will achieve this by using its usage ins... Visit Project

    • SkyMeter

      SkyMeter is an Android App in as will as web server. Users could use the android app to capture their sky with very limited restrictions, then the app analyzes the captured image to get sky color, status and Aeronet information without any internet connection requirements. The app enables users ... Visit Project

    • SkySnap

      Problem One in eight deaths are due to air pollution With new estimates, the WHO reports that in 2012 around 7 million people died as a result of air pollution exposure. This finding more than doubles previous estimates and confirms that air pollution is now the world’s largest single environme... Visit Project

    • Our Sky

      What color is your sky? You might say blue, but how blue? And is it really blue? Why does it matter? For our project, we address the My Sky Color challenge (https://2015.spaceappschallenge.org/about). Our goal was to create an app where citizens could take and collect information and photo... Visit Project


      We are going to develop an application that allows users to know in real time the percentage of light pollution within a location. Through this app, users will take photos of the sky which will be compared to a reference image of the clear sky in the specific location, that will be defined by GP... Visit Project

    • Skywall

      SKYWALL ======== Our project is solving the [My Sky Color](https://2015.spaceappschallenge.org/challenge/my-sky-color/) challenge, in line with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, an entity made up of scientists, engineers and technologists that build spacecraft, instruments and new technology ... Visit Project

    • Colorin Colorado

      Our project has two phases, in the first one, our approach is build an Android App to encourage people to join us and collaborate using their mobile phones a take and snapshot of the sky and record it this snapshot will be uploaded to our website and then exposed their basic data as I mention ... Visit Project

    • UpShot

      The methods for analyzing the sky already exist; however, they don't work if the sample isn't big enough. This app aims for users from all over the word to take pictures of the sky in order to maintain the data flowing, besides, they will know what is the amount of aerosols where they are. This i... Visit Project

  • Welcome to the collaborative hackpad! You can use this open document to collaborate with others, self organize, or share important data. Please keep in mind that this document is community created and any views, opinions, or links do not reflect an official position of the Space Apps Challenge, NASA, or any of our partners.

    Building a team or looking for one to join? Feel free to create a Matchmaking section at the bottom of the document to help in gathering great minds together!

    If you want to edit this Hackpad, or have trouble viewing it, please create an account at spaceapps2015.hackpad.com

    My Sky Color Hackpad: https://spaceapps2015.hackpad.com/dcBrrhh5qGO