#humans, #friendsinhighplaces, #easy
Imagery, Platform, Data Visualization
ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti is currently onboard the International Space Station from December 2014 to May 2015, as part of the Expedition 42 and 43 crews. She’s extremely active on social media and has many friends back on the home planet, who follow her experiments and activities, as she orbits Earth every 90 minutes traveling at a speed of 17,500 mph. Some of her friends created an engagement site, built in javascript on an open source platform, to keep track of Samantha’s travels off the planet and her social engagement with those of us Earth-bound.
Create or enhance an interactive app in an open source platform, both by visualizing the data gathered while Samantha has been in orbit, i.e. all the waves and greetings from Earth as she orbits over head. You can imagine and prototyping new possible features, plugins or “easter eggs” for the app that will take advantage of the platform, integrations, and data connections.
- You can use the open source code, data, and documentation to build whatever triggers your imagination.
- This could include, as an example:
- An interactive historical visualization of the “wave” of hellos to Samantha over the months;
- A digital art piece built using the traces of the 1000+ orbits of the ISS during the experiment;
- A visual calendar made of color samples from the live video feed from Space Station;
- Any possible new functionality that could foster the creation of connections between people.
Sample Resources (Participants do not have to use these resources, and NASA in no way endorses any particular entity listed).
The following projects are solving this challenge:
Fly Hi!
An android app to display where were Samantha & ISS in space when she tweeted to earthlings.  Visit Project
Spatial word cloud
I want to achieve to communicate the most common keywords used by astronautes, using API´s to fetch data from social networks and to display it in an fun way, optimized for differents devices. Visit Project
Spatial word cloud OK
I want to achieve to communicate the most common keywords used by astronautes, using API´s to fetch data from social networks and to display it in an fun way, optimized for differents devices. Visit Project
Shine for Friend in Space Visit Project
Pikapika Station
In order to be able to more freely exchange with astronauts, comments were in boilerplate selection formula. Thus, it is possible to send a message with only one click, it is possible to prevent the transmission of comments containing offensive. In addition, reply how astronauts not only commen... Visit Project
Friends Connect :D
Perform a new platform to connect with visitors. Interaction with social networks (Facebook, twitter, G +). Streaming (Hangout and youtube) Visit Project
New Pikapika Station
In order to be able to more freely exchange with astronauts, comments were in boilerplate selection formula. Thus, it is possible to send a message with only one click, it is possible to prevent the transmission of comments containing offensive. In addition, reply how astronauts not only comment... Visit Project
Expand the concept behind the FriendsInSpace application similar to FRIENDSINSPACE---INTERNATIONAL-TEAM Visit Project
Forbit project Visit Project
an Astronaut tracking system is an interactive application that visualizes the data gathered while an astronaut has been in orbit. We imagined a new app visualizing the tracking data of an astraunaut for those who are down earth and also for the astronaut with their bracelet. Visit Project
Say Hello to Samantha by Several thousand Robot from Japan.
We Japanese have several thousand Robot, Pepper. Japanese famous telecommunication company Softbank will sell several thousand Pepper in this year. Pepper is not only Robot, But also Application platform. Every person can develop and share own robot application. We will develop and share... Visit Project
#Objective #Augmented reality #Datasets da ESA #IBM Bluemix e dois serviços #Third party APIs Visit Project
We are working to expand the concept behind the FriendsInSpace application. Our vision of Friends in Space is a "Space" social network made to discover the International Space Station activities, follow your favorite astronaut in ISS, make friends all around the World, interact with them makin... Visit Project
EmoSpaceSuit 1.0
We have started our work by analyzing how Samantha was living in space and how we were going to improve social interactions with the terrestrial world. For this we have devised a clever T-shirt that would link her to her followers without having to connect to a computer. We designed this shir... Visit Project
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Friends In High Places Hackpad: https://spaceapps2015.hackpad.com/ZaXmp0DKup3