
Get a free ride to the Cosmos! With our project the world can feel and see what the astronauts see and feel. A trip to the space.


Virtual reality with cardboard, a 3D real time simulation of NASA’s missions to the outer space. With no cost at all, all humanity can have the chance to experience what it would feel like to be an astronaut thanks to our application Virtual Reality Cosmos Journey. Our revolutionary project enables anyone with access to a smart phone to experience a real-time trip into outer space created for the vast majority of us who do not have the opportunity to travel outside Earth in person. Our project provides the best means to explore and interact with outer space in 3D and in real time from any spot on earth, from any nation in the world. This project meets several goals including the opportunity to educate a wide range of people who are interested in astronomy, but would not otherwise have access to such an experience. Our project will inspire interest in astronomy and its related fields of science in a new generation of minds, regardless of their socio-economic standing. They will learn accurate information about each of the planets in our solar system. Our project will also enable people to further learn about NASA’s work and missions, following and sharing the same experiences with them. Future applications could simulate entire missions, from launch to re-entry, and use real pictures, videos and feeds from NASA and the International Space Station to enhance the experience and support learning. Besides all of this, our project will enhance and improve collaborative problem solving between people in space and people on Earth. With the serious challenges that the world is facing, we all need to work together hand in hand. Hence, in order to solve any kind of problem, the idea behind our project could be expanded to simulate NASA's issues in future applications, which will give science geniuses of the world, such as physicists and mathematicians, the chance to help out NASA with innovative and practical solutions and be part of NASA's communities of Galactic problem solver. Our application is free of charge, cardboard is inexpensive, easy to use, and available to everyone. Our Application offers a one-of-a-kind experience reminiscent of the state of-the-art simulators and facilities within NASA.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/68itdm2dqmk3yjm/AAAJwfndve9dee1njdipWPcDa?dl=0


Presentation - https://www.dropbox.com/s/7spknogeaez0a5y/Get-a-free-ride-to-the-Cosmos-2.pptx?dl=0


  • Oussama Jebali
  • Aymen Talbi
  • Seif Eddine Nasri
  • wajdi mnasri
  • ahmed khalil bejaoui
