
Design and simulate a drone to assist in moving a payload of ~2 kg around a human inhabited spacecraft. The design will have to consider a zero g environment as well as navigating through confined spaces.

This project is solving the ZERO GEE Bee – Your Friendly Neighborhood Drone challenge.


We aim to produce a detailed design and simulation of an autonomous aerial vehicle which has the capability to: - autonomously navigate a populated spacecraft - safely transport a 2 kg payload a suitable distance (~5m) - pick up and detach the payload

This will be achieved through the use of 3D modelling software (CAD) as well as simulators such as Gazebo.

This project has not yet submitted a Source Code/Project URL

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)



  • Thomas Davern
  • Su Kyaw
  • Nathan Gough
  • Harsh Pandya
  • Robert Cronin
  • Zi Huang
  • Thomas Davern
