TREE HOPE is a web application to monitor and manage diverse events through information sent from sensors and users. The temperature and humidity sensors are strategically positioned in protected natural areas sending data in order to determinate possible natural disasters that will be published in the web platform to be ranked and commented for the users who will be able to post reports with details, reasons, and multimedia. Finally, this app will manage all these data to inform and alert.This project is solving the Forest Monitor Mapping challenge. Description
TREE HOPE is a web application platform, which manage notifications from users on acts of deforestation, also manages data from temperature and humidity sensors to monitor temperature variations in natural protected areas. , it allows users to report deforestation events or disasters, sending the reason, details, image and video, publishing them on the site of application, where reports of users visualize and may rate each one of them, validating publications.
Furthermore, the sensors data can determinate possible natural disasters, alerting potential fires, droughts or floods and giving its location, these will be remoted connected by radio frequency. At the same time, ground sensors control humidity of the area giving the status of the land. The application uses user authentication permissions, through social networks and geolocation permissions to locate the approximate location of the report or complaint.
Project Information
License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)
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