
This project contains three main modules. First, "Traffic Share" where users can post their current location traffic situation. Users can view this within 2km and can take a decision whether he should turn or go ahead in that path. Second, "Mate tracker" is a real-time tracking system where user can track members or groups of members with chatting. Third, "Nearby places" where users can get location and information of nearby places and the nearest place with the shortest path.


Our challenge falls in earth category. Where our project aims to reduce the time wastes in traffic jam or other unavoidable incidents. “Traffic Share and Mate Tracker with nearby places” application can be used to share current location traffic situation by sharing own location. Even by using this application tracks group of people travelling together but may be in separate vehicles and can follow the progress of the other person and they may do group chat together if all have same application installed.

Objective of the Project

This application mainly developed for tracking companions while travelling. Using this application any person can easily share and view traffic situation and track someone using map with chatting. Main objectives of the project are: Share traffic, View traffic situation, View Places ( By location, Nearest location, View all), Companions Tracker, Chatting with members or groups, Sharing images, Creating groups, Register Users using ones email id.

Project Deliverable My proposed application will contain the following modules. Regarding to the module that had been identified, the flow of an activity will be described in term of two main modules: 1. Traffic Sharing 2. Places 3. Mate tracking

Traffic Sharing A user can share his/her location if he/she gets into traffic jam with its level of traffic jam. Other user can view the location of the shared information and avoid traffic

Places To show the location we collected raw information, of Chittagong, in details to develop it. The raw materials that are collected were the longitude and latitude of places. The information of the specific destination was also collected. Thus we can say that the information which is provided all is genuine.

Mate tracking By using GPS in phones in my application a user can easily keep in track of their friend and family specially while travelling. By installing the same application it can be even used to follow the progress of the other person. Even be able to chat and share images.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:


My Additional Resources -


  • Shafayet Hasan
  • Jesmeen MZH
  • Tawsif Khan
