
The universe has two main dimensions spatial dimension ( directional X, Y, Z) and the other dimension is the temporal dimension. Time and space are linked strongly inseparable so we will consider the time and place one. Is the dimension of spacetime Spacetime dimension two (real spacetime – Vision spacetime). Spacetime has two cases: 1- Navigate spacetime 2- The change in spacetime. spacetime is Personally like a fingerprint and it always variable everyone has Personally spacetime

This project is solving the Neuromorphic Studies of Asteroid Imagery challenge.


Einstein in his theory of relativity proved that the time and space is one and there are 4 dimensions (three space dimensions + one time dimension). i will study the space and time as one dimension called ( spacetime). It is two dimensional between them strong Correlation make them as one dimension. Spacetime is personally like a fingerprint and it always variable (everyone has personally spacetime and there are not find two of spacetime are the same). Spacetime is the momentary intraday point of position of time and place together. The unit of spacetime is "meter * second". Spacetime equal “time Multiplied by the space ". 1.1 Types of spacetime The real-spacetime (St) is the momentary intraday point of position of time and space together. It always variable intraday point and it Discontinuous “everyone and every event has one intraday point of spacetime and direction to the future always”. And it has intraday real variable values. The vision-spacetime (Sv) is The momentary intraday point of position of the real-spacetime to time and space together the vision-spacetime is seeing the real spacetime after it occurs and it can be in many points in the same time. It is the past of real-spacetime because it Repetition of the real-space time occurred. We can control in the interval between the real and the vision spacetime and can make it very small but can not make it equal zero. 1.2 Cases of spacetime Navigate spacetime (Travel in time) is Momentary intraday Transition from intraday real-spacetime to anther real spacetime in past. The change in spacetime is Momentary intraday Transition from intraday spacetime to anther spacetime by kinetic revving or kinetic slowdown leading to Increase the spatial Displacement and decreases in the Displacement of time Or vice versa. In this paper, i study the space and time as one dimension. It is two dimensional between them strong Correlation make them as one dimension i explain and clear why we can not travel in time and extend new hypothesis theory about spacetime and the meaning of transition in spacetime.

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License: Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (ECL-2.0)

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Transition in spacetime The momentary intraday point of position of time and space together -
Road to time back to the future of time and place -


  • Mostafa Korany
