
The SPHERES Flight Simulator allows users to simulate controlling SPHERES Robots aboard the International Space Station via a mobile app. The app allows the user to control the SPHERES using two touch based joy sticks and to view the SPHERES in 2D and 3D perspectives. Real-time information is given about the coordinates of the SPHERES. The next version will allow the user to control the SPHERES not only by joy sticks but by coordinate inputs, hard coding and click to location setting.

This project is solving the Robots Robots Robots challenge.


Our project aims to inspire young people to realize that space exploration is achievable by sparking their interests through app based coding and robotics.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/amsuarez01/SPHERESSimulator


SPHERES Simulator - http://prezi.com/y-hmaaksjybu/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy


  • Matt Corrente
  • Matt Corrente
  • Laura Knight
  • Willis Berrios
  • Austin Suarez
