
We created a Levitation Stone at space app, we will give you a simple product. This is new thing which connect you and satellite more familiar than now. We put a new value in satellite. Let’s start new life with Levitation Stone.


AIM We inspired "Hayao Miyazaki" works ,so created a Levitation Stone. It will connect with satellite and you. When satellite comes near, Levitation Stone will shine. System check satellite which is above angle of a certain or not. This system is using TLE data, We get TLE data per 30 min and updata.

THE FUTURE We are trying to improve other functions. We try to

SNS Service : Connect to SNS service and only you can post when satellite comes near.

Message : When also satellite comes near, you can get message from satellite and you can post message to satellite.

Make Interior : Not only make a necklace but also make a interior object.

Search System : Get a place information where is satellite you want to watch.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • Hirohide Demura
