
the drone project phawaspa app is a prototype zero-gravity UAV capable drone of Maintaining visual tasks, rescue and transport objects is vital to monitor the status of the ship to prevent accidents as happened in the past, taking pictures in previously impossible perspectives quality accecibles little places, to prevent structural damage and have better maintenance.

This project is solving the Bodies in Spacey Motion challenge.


e application phawaspa drone project is a prototype zero gravity drone UAV capable of maintaining visual tasks and perform rescue work objects and also for transporting different bodies, is vital for monitoring the state of the spacecraft and the prevention of Accidents often occur at any time, Prevent Structural Damage Potential Having better maintenance on ships, especially this prototype is for taking pictures in Outlook good quality previously impossible in a short accecibles and also dangerous places.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • ariel marvin acurana flores
  • ariel marvin acurana flores
  • ricardo calvimonte cardenas
  • claudia aguilar valdivia
  • alejandro villarroel franco
  • erick marcelo copa ovando
  • alvaro cadima cordova
  • sergio hector rea coaquira
  • grover  plaza quiroga
  • mauricio alfaro arnez
