
The main focus of the project is modern OFF GRID systems. Priority in these systems is the maximum use of energy from alternative source. Main disadvantage of these systems is average daily forecast for their production. Often, the forecast is less than the energy generated in summer days. That defines the purpose of the project: "Optimized management of excess energy in the system."

This project is solving the Spacecraft Thermal Power Consumption challenge.


Realization of OFF grid systems is related to the idea of providing alternative energy to consumers. This ideology is also used by other technological solutions such as MPPT tracker. The opportunity some of these solutions to be merged into a single system, maintains concept for the creation of completely energy independent system.

The second part of the system is as follows:

Sample implementation of the project is smart home. Used technologies, allowing control of all consumers. That facilitates the implementation of the proposed algorithm, because of the integrated control systems. Each of the consumers can be controlled independently. In that way the integrated algorithm may include or exclude certain users. The engineering solution solves the following major tasks:

To design a system for alternative energy distribution after dividing consumers into two working groups: The first group are consumers with low power. Off Grid PV system is designed for that group. The second group is consumers, used when there is an excess of electricity. To research the solar radiation’s forecast according to geography coordinates of the object. To determine the predicted energy of the system To compare the real generated energy to already the predicted one. To normalize the expected solar radiation energy to generated energy To report of maximum energy consumption of the most frequently used consumers. To provide all-time measurement level of charge AB. To report the temperature of the air-conditioned room. To create intelligent control algorithm of excess energy. To save energy independence of the system by turning off the second group of consumers. To estimate the effective use of excess energy. To develop Web site of the system. To develop an application for control and visualization of the obtained data.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL:




  • Katya Uvarova
  • Pl Angelov
  • Denitsa Petrova
  • Egor Galtsev
  • Manol Velikov
  • Kristifor Milchev
  • Tony Ganchev
