
Kvasir, pronounced Kwah-seer, is a tool which aims to create a centralized place for users to find open government data. Users can search for government data using keywords. The user can then tag that data with more keywords, potentially making it easier to find or help bridge the gap between disciplines. This is a tool not only for researchers or civic hackers, but for the original uploaders of the content, allowing them to gain the much necessary feedback on their work.

This project is solving the Data Treasure Hunting challenge.



Pronounced Kwah-seer, is a tool which aims to create a centralized place for users to find open government data.

This project aims to use open sourced data visualization tools to represent the government data in a much more user friendly fashion. We plan to implement maps for data tracking lats and longs as well as others which can be displayed via graph, bar, pie chart etc...

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/joshuajharris/SpaceApps2015


Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com/
Prezi - https://prezi.com/zdwlz5a-kxbv/kvasir/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
live demo - http://kvasir.meteor.com/
MeteorJS - https://www.meteor.com/


  • Troy Connor
  • Joshua Harris
