This project is solving the Survivor: Mars Lava Tubes challenge. Description
To solve this challenge we created a game (a simulator) which allows players to move freely and explore a specific location on Mars and its environment but also the lava tubes beneath the surface. This location is chosen randomly from a real heightmap taken from Mars (image taken from Mars MOLA Digital Terrain Model Map). What we thought about making the game more realistic, was to put on our website a section called ''Feedback'' where visitors/players will be able to contact us and suggest new locations to be made, so the game will expand based on human's suggestions. To make this environment selection easier for everyone, we implemented some very useful links on our site so YOU can explore Mars in 2D from above and make an easy way to select the proper environment for future colonists. Before sending us any suggestion about new locations, if you are not an expert we recommend you to go in the ''Details'' section so you will be able to understand plenty of things about Mars: how lava tubes are made; how can survival on Mars be optimized; and some other information which you may not know yet.
Beyond the concept, Mars is the next logical step in our space program. It’s the planet that’s most likely Earth. It’s the planet that has on it the resources needed to support life and therefore someday technological civilization. It’s the planet that will give us the critical test where humanity can brake out from the planet of our birth and become a space faring species. Mars is the only planet in our solar system that will truly benefit mankind.
Project Information
License: NASA Open Source Agreement 1.3 (NASA-1.3)
Source Code/Project URL:
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Map A Planet -
Wikipedia -
ESA: Robotic Exploration Of Mars -