This project is solving the SpaceGloVe: Spacecraft Gesture and Voice Commanding challenge. Description
We want to make interactions easier, either for work in space or in Earth, or for entertaiment. And for an easier solution we need an intuitive way to communicate with a computer. Our hands, used for most of our common activities, can be our tool to work, communicate and do everything that we want easier and faster. Even more important are hand gestures, one of our most natural ways to communicate and interact with people and things. Our solution want to use this for a better and faster communication and work.
Also, we already have programs and technology that works in 3D, but our inputs to work with them are 2D. We want to bring a simple device that represent a 3D input for those technologies, including computer programs for simulation, design, development, and research, and to the growing fields Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. And as you can imagine, this open a whole new world of possibilities in user expirience and in what we can do with software.
We want to achieve a high-end device with a size of a single glove. We are using a accelerometer and a gyroscope for motion and rotation measurements. We look forward to use a Human Interface Device Bluetooth protocol for a wireless and plug-and-play connection, a Li-ion or Li-Po battery for mobility and flexible resistor sensors for better gestures detection, and also improve motion measumerement and calculus handling the gravity acceleration vector, inertia, motion noise, and other factors.
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Project Information
License: GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPL-3.0)
Source Code/Project URL: https://github.com/LuisChicas/HandInterface
Source info of our accelerometer - http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/MPU-6050
Better motion measure - http://es.slideshare.net/paller/better-motion-control-using-accelerometergyroscope-sensor-fusion