
What is “drone”? Infact,it is a general name given to the unmanned aerial vehicle.Drones have been used in several areas .Their usage areas range from carrying pizza stospying.so why don’ t we use them in space?We have focused on the design of a simple drone which willful the usual or dangerous dutiesin stead of astranouts. This simple drone will carry a variety of modules on itself and have some qualifications such as garbage collection,fire extinguishing and carrying small packages.

This project is solving the ZERO GEE Bee – Your Friendly Neighborhood Drone challenge.


Our design has generally a hexagonal platform. On our platform, due to the nozzles on the different axis , has three nitrogen tube that will provide movement and a system that can be used by assembling different parts that has different functions on it. On our presentation we simulated two different modules with seperate functions. By means of the modules, drone will do a lot of tasks by changing moduls. For example our drone will carry food or health equipment by interlocking cargo modul to itself. And by its hexagonal design it will be able to carry six boxes or pick up the small pieces scattered around the space station with its robotic arms.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k8vlofxl8k4pvyt/AADs8gQIOkH3l576BgY5NiFIa?dl=0


- http://prezi.com/o662ghx2de2u/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy


  • Selahattin  Selek
  • Harun İNCİ
  • Umut Kılınç
