
Clean water provides habitat support for communities across the globe. Access to clean drinking water still remains a significant challenge in many Areas ranging from areas with low rainfall to areas with high levels of nitrate, bacteria or other forms of contamination. Water stress is another issue that requires addressing. Mapping of drinking water resources would allow people to figure out clean water sources for habitat establishment and provide identification of pollution spots. Overall helping to save lives.

This project is solving the Clean Water Mapping challenge.


Our Approach is to create a Data Collection Application for cell phones, which collects information from Individuals all over the world and Organizations like hydro-geologist groups, EPA Certified Organizations and NGOs. The importance of SMS push-pull services will allow us to make even the most old phones to be capable of using it. Sending the information over SMS stores it in to a open Database. The Desktop Application allows analysis to be performed on the collected data to map out pollution zones and their outreach over distance by Density of chemicals and bio matter present in the water. It would alert the authorities of any water stress over an area. The application is completely crowd-sourced and will allow constant monitoring of water bodies individual health as well as develop fast response systems which can predict dangerous situations like water stress and droughts in order to deal with them most effectively by communities or authorities. Desktop Application would produce mapped Google Earth file for visualization over the Google Earth Application so that it is even easier to use.

Project Information

License: GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPL-3.0)"

Source Code/Project URL:


Data Collection Concept -
Presentation PDF -
Software Configuration -


  • AKM Junaed
  • Monirul Islam
  • Fahim Zaman
  • Sayem Chaklader
