
We will empower Citizen Scientists to provide basic drinking water quality and availability information for their location. By making providers of information visible to the providers of water, both parties are encouraged to participate. A map of submitted information will provide a mechanism for water suppliers to improve resources based on real time conditions and for data scientists to understand changes over time.

This project is solving the Clean Water Mapping challenge.


Current drinking water data is focused on developed nations, it is collected by separate organizations and not widely shared. Taken collectively the data has significant gaps. Now, with more than half of the world using a cell phone these gaps can be filled in to the benefit of water users and water data scientists. The incentive for people to provide the information is that the data becomes available to the world, the local water provider could fix things. When your water changes or there is a problem, the utility and the world will know.

To enable those with even the most basic skills to supply information we're aiming at a simple web interface and a database that will even accept SMS text messaging. Information reliability will be strengthened by treating single entries as less reliable than repeated or grouped entries.

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • Yu Pan
  • David Max
  • Kai hsia
  • Lauren Tung
  • Alex Ziebol
  • Kenneth Emanuel
  • Denise Hewes
  • Manlo Ngai
  • Erin Hubbard
