
This project uses GPS tracker through crowd sourcing to locate or identify locally available water resource. The process move on as following: 1. In this, individual user use mobile GPS and locate water resource in the map via the app(yellow index). 2. As soon as the information is updated in via app, an email goes to the organisation researching on purity of water. 3. The community working for the water Resources used the application to verify the resource and update in the map(blue index).

This project is solving the Clean Water Mapping challenge.


The project aims to identify the unknown, unidentified and unknown water resources. Also this project provide the detail about the water resource nearby the location and the different detail about the water purity label of the source of the water.

The main objective of this project is to map and test all the locally available resources. In Nepal, there is a traditional trend to test water resource and according to it, If the water tastes nice than it is regarded as pure drinking water. Since people are unware about the necessicity of testing water, its sustinability and preservation of the resource, the app act as a intermediator between the local people and water research organisation. With the colaboration of these two, may be all the water resources can be mapped, tested and preserved.

How It happens: 1. With the help of the app any individual locate all the water resources nearby. 2. The app sends an email to the water research organisations one when any resource is located. 3. They visit the place and perform some investigation/ lab test of the water sample. 4. They post the report near the resource so that the people depending on the resource can easily read and understand it. 5. If the water is safe for drinking, they make local people aware about the sustinability and preservation of the resource . And if the water is not safe for drinking, then they make people aware about the consequence of drinking water from that resource. They also help them to sustinably utilize the resource for other possible purpose than drinking. 6. The research organisation also login the app and update the same information on the app as well. So that any people,vis their phone can track the water resource near them and know the status of the resources.

Then everypne will have access to safe drinking water.

Scope of expansion: The idea/ app can be used in any country. Further, the testing/ investigating process can be repeatedly done as required. App can be build for various OS.

Video link:

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • Nirmal Kumar Sharma
  • Suk Maya  Pun
  • Shristi Baral
  • Niraj Kumar Tamang
