Our Project entails the creation of a mobile application that not only monitors and notes clean water sources but analyses them against human and animal consumption needs within the area. It focuses on allowing people to have a fun way to explore and share clean water locations in and around their Peri-urban to rural areas. It also utilities common mapping tools to bring a new outlook to an old resource, a resource that is often underestimated and only viewed as critical in its absence.This project is solving the Clean Water Mapping challenge. Description
The What The identification of specific locations where clean water sources can be found within certain areas. This application aims to allow users to upload photos in a fun and easy way that allows their friends and family an opportunity to see their discovery and even visit it. It correlates information to identify areas that are suffering from low water quantities or water stressed areas. It shall link various surrounding water sources and connect underground rivers or aquifers
The How Using the user provided pictures and coordinates it will identify water sources and mark them in the applications map Using the markers indicated in the maps it will draw up a sector or regional water sources by type and location Information gathered can be correlated to the positions of human and animal settlements. User (population) figures Vs. Water Availability can be calculated to allow for a forecast of the future water situation in certain areas. Areas with larger populations but less water sources can have different color coordination
Project Information
License: GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPL-3.0)"
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