
we created an all-terrain autonomous robot with the aim to explore the planet Mars. it's mission is to dig big holes in Mars surface when needed, without any external digging system. it is composed of 6 wheels. each wheel is driven by its own DC motor. the robot can roll on hard ground and curved surfaces.

This project is solving the Robots Robots Robots challenge.


we are using a microcontroller pic which drives the H bridges that can move the 6 wheels forwards and backwards independently . we are using cinematic joints to make the drive shafts shifts on the main axe with an angular range of 60. it is equiped with a solar panel for aditional power sorces. each wheel is mount on a bumper to ensure the robot stability.

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: http://fr.slideshare.net/HeniJegham/prsentation1-46904504



  • heni jegham
  • hamdi hamdi
  • Rami Lahouar
  • meriem jegham
  • heni jegham
  • bechir benftima
