Airburst Data Visualization

2015 Challenge

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  • Hashtags:

    #outerspace, #airburstvisual, #intermediate


    [email protected]


    Model, Platform, Data Visualization


    NASA’s Asteroid Grand Challenge is dedicated to locating asteroids that might pose a threat to human populations and then, once located, knowing what to do about them. Chelyabinsk caught the world by surprise. We want to stop this from happening again.

    Location of these small, fast-moving NEOs requires space-based hardware, however the threat of these airburst events is still largely misunderstood. Indeed as human cities grow and become more urbanized, the threat of a serious disaster this century is far higher than in the 20th. Some estimates put the threat now equal to that of dying in a commercial airliner - and yet we now have the technology to do something about it.

    The Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded in the atmosphere over Russia was an example of a small Near Earth Object (about 17m wide) that exploded in the upper atmosphere, releasing levels of energy of about half a megaton.

    This event created a fireball thirty times the power of the sun, burning retinas and the skin of observers, blowing out the windows of over 3600 buildings and knocking people off their feet. At least 1210 people were treated for injuries.

    Data from infrasound studies has revealed that these sorts of airbursts - known as ‘Bolide events’ are far more frequent than previously thought. Indeed over a twenty year interval between 1994 and 2013 there were 556 events (of which Chelyabinsk was the most powerful.) NASA’s Asteroid Grand Challenge team requires innovative and compelling ways to visualize the airburst phenomenon.


    Create a way of visualizing the threat of atmospheric airbursts using newly released data gathered in the Bolide study. Build on any open source solutions you find, or create your own.

    Your solution should both explain what an airburst is and highlight the frequency using JPL’s Bolide study data.


    Your solution should adhere closely to the known data of the Bolide study, but bring this to life so anyone in the world can understand its implications. Ideally your solution should be built with web-tools that can be embedded into a Content Management System (CMS), as needed or shared on social media.

    Sample Resources (Participants do not have to use these resources, and NASA in no way endorses any particular entity listed).

    Relevant Datasets (Participants do not have to use these resources, and NASA in no way endorses any particular entity listed).

  • The following projects are solving this challenge:

    • Earth Defense Arms ISS Ver. 2.015

      protect the earth !!!!!!! Visit Project

    • Meteor Data Visualization Infography

      Data Visualization Visit Project

    • Endeavor-ADV

      Capture threat of atmospheric airbursts using boiled study Build SOA based web service This web service will server any platform like android / IOS or web sites. Visit Project

    • Bolides Box

      Meteoroids? That's a general term describing small particles of comets or asteroids that are in orbit around the sun. There's no universally accepted, hard-and-fast definition. Based on size or any other characteristic that distinguishes a meteoroid from an asteroid — they're simply smaller than ... Visit Project

    • Fireballs and Meteorites

      Learn R Plot interesting data Find linkages among various bolide datasets. Visit Project

    • Exploding Stars

      The main objective of the project is to develop a software solution to graphically represent the information of the burst bolides. In order to achieve that, the Exploding Stars team has developed both, a web application and an Android application, which represents in a map view the locations whe... Visit Project

    • Meteorite landing

      This app is to show the infography of meteorite Landing.Help to view the location most have impact Visit Project

    • As Likely As

      We aim to provide a simple website that shows people the probability of an airburst impacting areas of different population densities. For example, the site would answer the question “What is the probability of an airburst affecting a city sometime in the next year.” See it here: <http://odome... Visit Project

    • Meteor landing Data visualisation

      This application help to visualize the meteor landing point , you can see the location, but we are and just 20 to not saturate the graph. Visit Project

    • Rain of Fire

      Main Goal ======== Find out new and innovative ways for visualizing the observed airburst events as well as their perceived and potential impact on the Earth's surface. The Project ====== Our project visualizes the collected data for the airburst events using a heliocentric coordinate syst... Visit Project

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    Airburst Data Visualization Hackpad: