
Collect available free data to help grow and sustain crop in a better manner. Doesn't matter if you're a farmer or just trying to grow something in your own garden a usable interface with analyzed data to help you grow the best thing suitable for your land. This data is usually available free but not in an easy to use manner and it's hidden from the everyday normal user.

This project is solving the Food Directions challenge.


Collect available free data to help grow and sustain crop in a better manner. Doesn't matter if you're a farmer or just trying to grow something in your own garden a usable interface with analyzed data to help you grow the best thing suitable for your land. This data is usually available free but not in an easy to use manner and it's hidden from the everyday normal user. We intend to design an interface which uses Open data to analyze and later predict and suggest what kind of crops can be grown and where is the best place to grow them.

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL:



  • Ali Atasever
  • Ali Atasever
  • Serkan Yıldız
  • Ekin ONDER
  • Farzan Tinati
  • Cengiz Han UNVER
