
Averiti is a qualitative domain modelling language, environment and library which is designed to allow quick and simple qualitative modelling of even complex systems at any required level of abstraction. This project aims to create a conceptual model using Averiti of the NASA NIAC Realistic Interstellar Explorer concept, allowing the use of Averiti to be assessed against a representative system design.


What is Qualitative Domain Modelling?

Traditional, quantitative simulation based on quantitative models aims at producing precise numerical results as answers to user questions about the problem domain. Such precise numerical answers are often overly elaborate, contain much more information than it is actually needed, and may actually prove difficult or impossible to quantify.

In everyday life, humans use common sense to reason about problems qualitatively, without numbers. A qualitative domain model allows a domain to be represented qualitatively. This model can then be used as a basis for analysis and simulation. Qualitative models have been shown to be better suited for tasks such as designing new systems, supporting diagnostics and explaining complex system behaviour than either static or qualitative models.

The domain model allows qualitative formal simulation of systems: • Functions. • Dependencies. • Structure.

Qualitative not quantitative: • e.g. a motor provides rotation function not specific rpm values. • Means quick and simple simulations even of complex system of systems. • This can include functional chains through a system.

It has been found that correct understanding and simulation of system behaviours can be accomplished with parameters which take on only a few values (e.g. high speed, low pressure). Such qualitative models are generally less time consuming to develop than quantitative models and can be developed when hard and fast quantitative values may not be available or, if available, may not be accurate or trustworthy. The conceptual analysis phase of spacecraft design would be a case in point.

Spacecraft Conceptual Design using Averiti

This project aims to create a conceptual model using Averiti of the NASA NIAC Realistic Interstellar Explorer concept, allowing the use of Averiti to be assessed against a representative system design.

The intended areas of assessment include: • Automated model verification and consistency checking. • Dynamic simulation of systems of systems. • Quick understanding of impact of changes, additions, deletions, etc. • Formal description of dependencies, structures, etc. • Application of and model checking against domain heuristics.

The project outputs will be a qualitative model of the Realistic Interstellar Explorer probe plus associated analyses and assessments. The goal is demonstrate the utility of qualitative modelling in a complex system of systems environment.

Project Information

License: MIT license (MIT)

Source Code/Project URL:


Averiti Overview -
Realistic Interstellar Explorer Presentation -
Phase II Final Report NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts: A Realistic Interstellar Explorer -
Example Averiti model of a spacecraft Electrostatic Thruster -
Phase I Final Report NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts: A Realistic Interstellar Explorer -
Realistic Interstellar Explorer model - UML and Averiti views -
Realistic Interstellar Explorer model Averiti XML subsystems zip -
Example Averiti test analysis Power subsystems -
Example Averiti test analysis Comms subsystems -
Example Averiti test analysis Guidance subsystems -
Averiti software description -
Averiti software - script source code HTA format -
Averiti Notation Description -


  • Chris Corner
  • Chris Corner
