
Our aim is to redesign and redefine the contingency medical kit used by space agencies to be more modular, and allow for long term space missions or missions with limited or no capacity of resupply to be prepared for medical emergencies. We have developed a prototype interchangeable multi-tool styled medical instrument where parts are replaced on a needs basis by printing on a 3D printer. This comes packaged with other medical items in a box which also serves as a neck, arm or leg splint.

This project is solving the 3D AstroMed Devices challenge.


We have redesigned the existing medical kit by replacing the existing neck brace with a repurposed box that can perform the same task by acting as a splint for a neck, arm or leg injury. We have also designed a lightweight, compact, modular "Swiss Army knife" for small medical devices. A large number of these devices can then be packed into the repurposed box. A syringe will be used as the main case of the compact tool, and its modular design allows for many different uses. The forceps will double as the plunger of the syringe, and the pump acts as the handle on which a needle, scalpel, or tools such as pencils or screwdrivers can be screwed on. The idea is to bring the metal tips for the medical devices with the launch supplies, and to print the syringe casing and plastic components as needed after reaching space. This will reduce the need to send up medical supplies as often, while also saving space. The design ensures the devices can be put together in a compact fashion while still remaining usable. Additionally, the versatility of the screw-on function means the tool can also be used on Earth in similar emergency situations, such as when camping.

If neck/leg/arm injury were to occur in space, the box can be used as a temporary brace while a 3D printer can take data from a 3D scanner to print a precise mold of the injured area, made to fit specifically to the person with the injury. This will provide a better option than a generic brace made to fit all sizes. Lastly, the plastic components can be disinfected after use and recycled to be printed again. By relying on the 3D printer for most of the components, there is added flexibility as the 3D printer can be used for any other purposes necessary in space.

For more info: https://youtu.be/RjdOwLcZ6Ns

Project Information

License: Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxQ9hw-YBIkLfkk1Y1NOMGljSWs3cGpYQjVoZGxuWDNDeldjeXJoeVhaMVdqdXpsUFNOYVE&usp=sharing



  • Julian Cao
  • Andy Wong
  • Sonia Dong
  • Vasu Lakkoju
  • Melanie Jozefowski
  • Yasseen Abdel-Magied
