
This project is solving a challenge of Create your Own Asteroid Mission. This is a simple mission to bring back a valuable and sustainable small asteroid C-Type to the Earth. This project used sketch design and simulator of a spacecraft called Drone2403.

This project is solving the Create Your Own Asteroid Mission challenge.


What is the aim of this project? The aim of this project is to present an idea of a mission concept to bring back the C-Type Asteroid Specimen back to the Earth.

How the project is going to be done? The idea of a mission concept will be presented in two parts, which is; (1) sketch design of a spacecraft embedded to an asteroid storage. (2) simulator of a spacecraft.

What are the tools used in this project? For part 1, the sketch design required only papers, mechanical pencil and of course the imaginative idea! For part 2, the spacecraft simulator is an open source downloaded from the Orbiter and Celestia. Both part explained in a prezi presentation and a word documentation attached.

Where can I learn about this project details? The documentation is available in the shared link below.

Is there any short presentation to understand this project? Yes, please click on this link https://prezi.com/ppsbhtkvqltk/drone2403/#

Thank you!

Project Information

License: Open Software License 3.0 (OSL-3.0)

Source Code/Project URL: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_RE0hHTXBgcflVLVWdnRmVWcmVBRTB5V095NVI1eXV5SzF2TGtfMGU0M0ZGRXNJampjMlE&usp=sharing


Orbiter Open Simulator - http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/
Celestia Open Simulator - http://www.shatters.net/celestia/


  • Nur Suhaili Ramli
