
This project is solving the Crop Alert – Learning From the Growers challenge.

AgroQuest is a global web platform for collecting, analyzing, predicting and sharing crop information, built on RESTful API. It will collect crop disease and pest related data by region from farmers and experts on crop nutrition all over the world. The data will accessible by anyone through a well organized dashboard, along with any third party service and HTTP crawlers by using the API. AgroQuest will analyze the accumulated data using advanced machine learning algorithms for current season and weather condition and generate automated messages for push notifications about possible pest outbreak and diseases to the farmers depending on their region. Experts working in the field of crop will be able to issue notifications about new findings and pest attacks.

The app will consist of a dashboard for both farmers and specialists. There will be live infographics about the analytics right in the dashboard so that the information is really easy to find. There will be filter based searching option to find a specific information about any sort of crop, pests, locations etc. Farmers will be able to upload their data on crop production where experts and fellow farmers can also comment on. The app will include a pointbased Q/A section where farmers can ask anything about crops and other users can answer and upvote solutions.

An user will find options to either register for the site or view the analyzed data right from the homepage. After signing up they will be given a dashboard with all the features needed to save and update information. Users can follow each other for updates and best practices. This data acquired by the platform will be always free to use by scientists and researchers. The platform will hopefully be able to provide more relevant data to projects in FOOD DIRECTIONS challenge of Space Apps Challenge 2015 to send meaningful alerts and prediction in making crop production decisions.

(Theme: data driven prediction system and discussion forum)

Project Information

License: GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (AGPL-3.0)"

Source Code/Project URL:



  • Khan  Mohammad Mehadi Alam
  • Asif Saifuddin
  • Ratul Minhaz
