Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz
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    Santa CruzMap it
    Santa Cruz
    Plurinational State of Bolivia

  • The following projects were worked on at Santa Cruz:

    • pulsera vital

      Project Members from this location
      • Nilds Amir Vásquez González

      A bracelet which measures vital signs and alerts to a second wired device.

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    • 3D AstroMed Devices - Adaptation of Space Suit

      Project Members from this location
      • Leonardo Añez Vladimirovna

      Use and advantages: 1. Astronaut loses no time to return to medication in case of problems. 2. The trouble of saving medication. 3. Preventive treated disease. 4. Decreased risk of death caused by pathological problems in the space (In the worst case). How does he do it? It is a small panel th... Visit Project

    • Recolector de basura espacial Wall-As

      Project Members from this location
      • Edgar Arellano
      • Mauricio Andre Salazar Barrero
      • Sergio Santiago Bravo Andrade

      Materiales Fibra de cerámica >Resistente al choque térmico,resiste altas temperatura La fibra cerámica se puede definir como silicato de alúmina anhidro con ligeras inclusiones de diferentes óxidos. Se fabrica con materiales como cuarzo, caolín, pequeños porcentajes de óxido de circonio y a... Visit Project
